The North East Emergency Action Group Inc. is an Incorporated Association and Charity created primarily to help the residents and other emergency organisations of North East Victoria. The North East Emergency Action Group Inc or NEEAG for short was created on August 29th 2020. The Group currently consists of eight members.
Our roles include:
Vice President
Ordinary Members
All our members are volunteers with four of us also volunteering for other emergency service organisations in and around the North East.
Our main aims are to provide management and coordination of events and information to the communities of North East Victoria and provide a platform for emergencies services orgainstions to conduct demonstrations, recruitment and disperse information to local communities
Currently the group has taken on the running of the "North East Emergency Expo", which was originally managed by the Victoria State Emergencey Service. The expo runs biennially in rural communities within North East Victoria. Due to Covid 19 pandiamic the 2020 Expo was postponed to the following year. In 2021, on the 30th of March, NEEAG Inc was able to successfully hold their first North east emergency expo in Nagambie. Combined with the Nagambie Go Fish event, 2021 was the best Expo, raising the largest total to date for community support.
We are also currently partnering with a group known as "Comfort Bears. NE Vic & Surrounds". They are a fantastic group of volunteers who knit bears for children in emergency or traumatic situations. Our group is helping to distribute bears to emergency service organisations, support groups, hospitals, and schools across the North East Region.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like any further information or are interested in sponsoring our group.
Carina Newton
North East Emergency Action Group Inc.